***This Event is SOLD OUT***
Konow’s Corn Maze Special Needs Day is a FREE day for families with children who have special needs. Please register for this awesome event hosted on the farm. Immediate families with special needs children (parents & siblings) are able to attend a free night at Konow’s. Hayrides, grain train ride, cow train rides, straw playground, jumpy pillow, petting zoo, tree house, corn pits, corn maze, spider webs, all free with entry.
*This event is ONLY for families that have children with special needs and is only for IMMEDIATE FAMILY ONLY (parents and siblings)
*Everyone in attendance MUST BE REGISTERED & HAVE A TICKET
*Event is NOT open to the public
Regester online at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/special-needs-day-konows-corn-maze-tickets-49309994521